Embark on an adventure with “A Journey Into A New Year: Ring the Bells,” an encouraging ebook that invites you to embrace the beginning of a new year with intention. Fresh beginnings harmonize with the chimes of hope, setting the stage for a year filled with joy, growth, and fulfillment. This ebook is an immersive experience that resonates with the spirit of new beginnings, inspiring you to ring in the new year with enthusiasm and optimism.
Frequently Asked Questions
Empowering Reflections: “Ring the Bells” is a reflective journey that encourages introspection and helps you set meaningful goals and intentions for the year ahead.
Engage with thought-provoking prompts, devotions, and activities throughout the ebook, turning passive reading into an active, participatory experience that enhances your connection with the narrative.
Let your imagination soar with inspiring images that paint a picture of an abundant and interconnected life for the New Year ahead!
Benefit from timeless wisdom and lessons seamlessly woven into the narrative, offering guidance and inspiration for personal growth and self-discovery.
“Ring the Bells” radiates positivity, making it the perfect companion for those seeking a hopeful and uplifting start to the new year.
Enjoy the convenience of reading “Ring the Bells” on your preferred Kindle, tablet, smartphone, or computer.

Inspire - Ignite - Engage

My first love was communicating the Gospel message to children. The challenge to convey a message that inspired children to seek more of Jesus gave me a passion to find the treasure in the most minor details of life and communicate a message that inspires all ages. Interactive and contemplative messages that engage and inspire all ages!

My joy is helping people find how the Lord is already moving in their lives and encouraging them to move forward in freedom and love, leading and inspiring people to prune what is holding them back and pursue the purpose and passion that ignites their spirit!

Designing. leading, and executing a retreat or workshop that encourages faith formation and spiritual growth is my go-zone! I believe our spirit needs time to retreat and restore, and when that happens, we relish in the goodness of God, and our life moves from average to abundant and from good to GREAT!

Content Creator
Writing is a dance with me and the Lord, and it sets my heart on fire! From Bible studies, children’s curriculum, training resources, playwriting, ebooks, and more. You can find my first published book on Amazon, with more to follow. However, I am available for contract work to help with your ministry or business curriculum needs.

Leadership Consulting
The health of any organization revolves around leadership. Self-aware leaders lead with integrity, exercise emotional intelligence, and encourage and inspire others to pursue excellence and conquer challenges. Trained in ministry leadership and development, I have a toolbox of resources to help your team lead well!

Team Building
A team of preschool teachers, a team of ministry volunteers, a team of women leading in business and community, the power of working together is the catalyst for change and the connection for creativity. We are stronger together! Interactive, inspiring, practical, and purposeful, let me bring your team together!

Our lives are interconnected: heart, mind, soul, and strength! When our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lives work together, we begin to experience what abundant living looks like! As a Revelation Wellness coach, I work with individuals and groups to get fit, free, healthy, and whole with all their being!

Marketing Consulting
Regarding creativity, we are a couple overflowing with ideas, initiative, and inspiration! If you need a creative web design, social media presence, or story for your brand, we would love to join you in your quest to expand your digital footprint and business!
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”